Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Food Themed Speech and Language Lesson Plans

For the next couple of weeks, I will be doing a Food/Cooking Themed Unit in my therapy room. The skills and vocabulary covered in this unit is beneficial for so many daily life skills. They can apply so much of what they learn in the real world. But we can also have TONS of fun with this theme. Anyway, here are my plans.

1.) For many of my articulation students, we will do some interactive articulation activities. I love these activities because they are motivating, fun, and they usually incorporate some kind of fine motor work as well. I have two that I use with my Food Theme. The first one is "Grill It Up!"

The kids can "grill" their burgers and hot dogs. They can "flip" them with a little spatula. I just use a cooling rack to serve as the "grill." You can find it here.

I also have a cookie version that the kids LOVE. It pairs well with the book "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie..."
You can find it here.
2.) For my language kiddos, I use this packet that contains a TON of worksheets to target various vocabulary, concepts, wh questions, categories, verb tenses, pronouns, social skills, Tier 2 vocab, listening comprehension, and more. It also contains a quick parent handout and a bingo game to use with any flashcard set.

This packet is a life saver! I can use it with nearly EVERY student on my caseload. Most activities are black and white, no prep worksheets. But there is a nice mix of color flashcards, a bingo game, and a pronoun activity that you can prep once and use again and again. You can find it here.

3.) I also love some good games in therapy! We will play these games throughout the next couple weeks.
I will pair these games with articulation and language card decks just to make therapy more motivating. I also have These Candy Town Language Cards from Jenna Rayburn at Speech Room News to pair with Candyland (affiliate link). I own both language sets and the phonology set. They are great! I know there are some good companions available on TpT for Yeti in my Spaghetti (affiliate link) as well. I just haven't purchased one yet to give a recommendation. And, perhaps the most favorite game in therapy, Pop the Pig (affiliate link)! 

4.) We will use so many books in therapy! Here are just a few of my favorites!
That "Healthy Eating" Mini Book is from this resource. It's an awesome packet of themed mini books for push in therapy. And I love them!

I also have a felt pizza set that I pair with Barney Bear's Pizza Shop as well. I guess I just don't have a picture of it. But I do love using this resource with it as well. I have no idea where I got it, so if someone knows let me know and I'll give them credit! But it's great. I use it for categorizing and basic vocabulary. 

We will also use the "If You Give A..." series of books. I have a great companion for "If You Give A Dog A Donut (affiliate link)." You can find it here.

5.) I also love some good picture scenes. These are the ones I use. They are both from sets from Katrina Bevan.

6.) Interactive books are WONDERFUL with my minimally verbal students or any student that benefits from some visual support. I have this packet of 5 interactive books that I use a lot. 

7.) I like to use the Peekaboo Fridge App with my students using symbol support to communicate. It's also great for kids with lower vocabulary levels. I pair it with some Boardmaker symbols to work on answering questions and commenting (I see ______). 

8.) And, of course, play food for DAYS (affiliate link)! You can get so much language with a good play food set! I have the Melissa and Doug wooden sets. They are a bit more expensive, but so worth the money. The velcro ones that can be cut apart are awesome and highly motivating for kids. We work on requesting the knife, counting, color words, turn taking, etc. I also have the sandwich sets, which are fun. We work on seeing who can make the "tallest" or "biggest" sandwich. We also stack items "on top" or "under" sandwich pieces. I also have a set of play dishes that we can use as well. If you are doing inclusion, most Pre-K classrooms already have this stuff in them. No need to buy anything new! 

Those are my plans for my Food and Cooking Unit. I hope there are some ideas you can implement. What are some other fun Food Themed ideas??