Thursday, August 13, 2015

Back to Speech! :)

If you're anything like me, the first day of therapy can be a little awkward with your new kiddos. We spend some time going over the rules. I have some general classroom rules that align with our school's PBIS quadrants. I also have some rules for using the iPad (those things are crazy expensive, so I make sure my kids know how important is to keep them safe) - you can download those here

Many of the kids I have from year to year, but there are some that are newbies. I usually don't know much about these kids - and I wanted a way to get to know them better in less time. And not just what their favorite things are (although that's always nice to know), but also what makes them happy and sad. What are they good at? What do they want to work on? So I decided to make up a little Back to Speech Get to Know You Activity. You can pick it up for free here in my teachers pay teachers store. 

I also have versions of these for Occupational therapists and Physical therapists. 

I hope these will help your first speech session go smoothly while learning some valuable information about your students! :)

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